Speaker Profile
Dr. Sheng Lin-Gibson is a leading expert in biometrology and biotechnology standardization. As the Chief of the NIST Biosystems and Biomaterials Division, she oversees a multidisciplinary research portfolio that includes regenerative medicine and advanced therapies, precision medicine, synthetic biology, complex microbial systems, and emerging biomanufacturing technologies. She leads and coordinates the development of global standards for emerging biotechnology, including advanced therapy and precision medicine. She has coauthored over 80 peer-reviewed publications, serves on many Interagency Working Groups as well as numerous expert review panels and advisory boards. She has received several Department of Commerce Gold Medals.
Session Abstract – PMWC 2024 Silicon Valley
Track Chair: Keith Yamamoto, UCSF
- PMWC 2024 Award Ceremony:
Luminary Honoree: Geoff Ginsburg, NIH (All of Us)
- Fireside Chat: Geoff Ginsburg, NIH and Keith Yamamoto, UCSF
- New Federal Programs Driving Transformative Health Breakthroughs (PANEL)
Chair: Keith Yamamoto, UCSF
- Arunan Skandarajah, ARPA-H
- Susan Marqusee, NSF
- Sheng Lin-Gibson, NIST - AI-driven Advances in Precision Medicine (PANEL)
Chair: Sharat Israni, Bakar Institute, UCSF
- Suzanne Tamang, Stanford
- Colleen Clancy, UC Davis
- Nevan Krogan, UCSF
- Lauren Erdman, University of Toronto - Precision Medicine in New Research Frameworks (PANEL)
Chair: Regis B. Kelly, UCSF
- Joe DeRisi, UCSF
- Luke Gilbert, UCSF
- Prachee Avasthi, Arcadia Science - Living Therapeutics for Precision Medicine
Chair: Michelle Hermiston, UCSF
- Peter Marks, FDA
- Wendell Lim, UCSF
- Liora Schultz, Stanford - AI and Precision Medicine: Navigating Equity and Social Justice Challenges (PANEL)
Chair: Hank Greely, Stanford
- Ziad Obermeyer, UC Berkeley
- Sara L. Ackerman, UCSF