Speaker Profile
Sharmila Majumdar, Ph.D., obtained her Ph.D. degree from Yale University inEngineering and Applied Sciences. After a short stay at Yale she joinedUCSF as an Assistant Professor in 1989. Her research on machine and deeplearning has a focus on imaging; prior work has focused on imagingtechnology development and translational, development of image processing,computer vision has been focused in the areas of osteoporosis,osteoarthritis, and lower back pain. She is the Executive and ScientificDirector of the Center for Intelligent Imaging at UCSF. She was selected asa fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineers in2004, a fellow of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance inMedicine (ISMRM) in 2008, and awarded the ISMRM Gold medal in 2016. She isan active participant in the PMWC meetings. Her work over the last threedecades has been extensively supported by the NIH and industry.
Session Abstract – PMWC 2025 Silicon Valley
Track Co-Chairs:
Cherodeep Goswami, UW Health
- PMWC 2025 Award Ceremony
Pioneer Honoree: Paul J. Chang, University of Chicago - Keynote: AI in Radiology: A Reality Check (Climbing out of the Trough of Disillusionment)
- Paul J. Chang, University of Chicago
- AI in Radiology and Imaging Applications (PANEL)
Chair: Curtis P Langlotz, Stanford
- Paul J. Chang, University of Chicago
- Judy Gichoya, Emory University
- Sharmila Majumdar, UCSF
- Eliot Siegel, VA Maryland Healthcare System
- Katherine Andriole, Brigham and Women's Hospital - Overcoming Practice Gaps in Precision Medicine: Addressing Patient Leakage (PANEL)
Chair: Joe Zaccaria, KPMG
- Ed Kim, City of Hope
- Chris Scotto DiVetta, Tempus - Accelerating Risk Assessment and Diagnosis with AI
Chair: Pavan Anne, ZS - Shared Opportunities to Unlock AI's Potential in R&D (PANEL)
Chair: Brice Sarver, ZS
- Carlyn Crisostomo, Amgen
- Anne-Marie Martin, GSK
- Bill Mayo, BMS
- John Baldoni
- Practical Implications of Ethical Challenges in AI-driven Precision Medicine(PANEL)
Chair: Cherodeep Goswami, UW Health
- Tina Hernandez-Boussard, Stanford
- Lucia Savage, Omada Health
- Sean Hain, Epic
- Misha Mehta, Neev Kolte & Brave Ronil Foundation