Speaker Profile
Sadakatsu Ikeda is a medical oncologist focusing on precision cancer medicine. After graduating from Hokkaido University, he completed postdoctoral research fellowship at Boston Childrens's Hospital, followed by medicine residency at Beth Israel Medical Center, and hematology oncology fellowship at University of Michigan. He was a facult at University of San Diego before returning to Tokyo Medical and Dental University where he started precision medicine program in 2016. He is one of the early adaptor of liquid biopsy.
Session Abstract – PMWC 2024 Silicon Valley
Track 4 - January 25 9.00 A.M.-4.30 P.M.
Track Chair: Laura J. van 't Veer, UCSF
- PMWC 2024 Award Ceremony
Pioneer Honoree: David Sidransky, Johns Hopkins
Pioneer Honoree: Helmy Eltoukhy
Pioneer Honoree: AmirAli Talasaz, Guardant Health - Utilities of Liquid Biopsy in Biomarker Testing
- Laura Vent Veer, UCSF - Status Quo of Clinical Liquid Biopsy (PANEL)
Chair: Helmy Eltoukhy, Guardant Health
- Sadakatsu Ikeda, Tokyo Medical University
- Heather Parsons, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Sanjay Popat, The Royal Marsden - Liquid Biopsy for Health Monitoring and Disease Prevention (PANEL)
Chair: Anne-Renee Hartman, Adela Bio
- AmirAli Talasaz, Guardant Health
- Heather Parsons, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Mary Pat Lancelotta, Adaptive Bio
- Sylvia Katina Plevritis, Stanford - Multi-Cancer Early Detection Through Multi-Biomarker Class Liquid Biopsy Testing (PANEL)
Chair: Tom Beer, Exact Sciences
- Wendy Rubinstein, National Cancer Institute
- Sheila D. Walcoff, Goldbug Strategies LLC - Keynote: Pioneering Liquid Nucleic Acids Tumor Fragments in Health and Diseases
- David Sidransky, Johns Hopkins - New Approaches in Liquid Biopsy (PANEL)
Chair: Victor Velculescu, Johns Hopkins
- David Sidransky, Johns Hopkins
- Dan Laudau, NY Genome Center
- Daniel De Carvalho, University of Toronto - Global Implications: A scalable Liquid Biopsy for HPV-related Cervical Cancer (PANEL)
Chair: Debra Fraser-Howze, D. Fraser Associates
- Belinda Nedjai, Wolfson Institute of Population Health
- Elisabeth Adams, Aquarius Population Health Limited - NCI Showcase
- Xiaohui Ni, Early Dx
- Daniel Kim, UCSC