Speaker Profile
Dr. Gaziano, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, is a prominent chronic disease epidemiologist and trialist with a focus on the study of chronic diseases, particularly the influences of lifestyle choices, metabolic factors, and biochemical and genetic markers on coronary artery disease and stroke. He is the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center (MAVERIC) at the VA Boston Healthcare System. He is one of the PI for the Million Veteran Program (MVP), an observational cohort with stored biospecimens. Enrollment currently stands at 980,000 veterans and is quickly approaching its target of 1,000,000 enrollees. He also serves as the Chief of the Division of Aging at Brigham and Women's Hospital, where he is the PI of the Physicians Health Study, a large scale trial exploring the role of vitamins in preventing chronic diseases. He has a prolific publication record with over 750 original reports, reviews, and book chapters.
Session Abstract – PMWC 2024 Silicon Valley
Track Chair: Stacey Gabriel, Broad Institute and Steve Turner, PacBio
- New Frontiers in Genomic Analysis & Interpretation
- Robert Sebra, ISMMS
- Anshul Kundaje, Stanford
- Chaz Langelier, UCSF
- Orly Alter, Prism AI Inc - From Potential to Reality: Bringing Nanopore Sequencing to Clinical Practice (PANEL)
Chair: Emma Stanton, Oxford Nanopore Tech - Charles Chiu, UCSF
- Billy Tsz Cheong Lau, Stanford - Population Sequencing at Scale: Impact and Future Path of Genomic Programs (PANEL)
Chair: Stacey Gabriel, Broad Institute
- Heidi Rehm, MGH
- Cindy Lawley, Olink
- John M. Gaziano, Million Veterans Program (MVP) - New Frontiers in Genomic Analysis & Interpretation continues: AI in Spatial Transcriptomics in Patient Response
- David. W. Craig, City of Hope Cancer Center
- Premal Shah, MyOme - The Economic Perspective on Genomics (PANEL)
Chair: Bill Hyun, UCSF
- Steve Turner, PacBio
- Alex de Winter, Danaher Ventures
- Kandaswamy (Swamy) Vijayan, Zafrens - Using AI for Scalable Phenotyping and Discovery
- Andrew Carroll, Google
- Building Bridges: Precision Medicine Communities
- Kumar Prashant, Karkinos - NCI Showcase
- Xiaofeng Xie, MicrOmics Technologies