Speaker Profile
With over 20 years of research experience in genomics and computational biology, Jennifer oversees multi-omic microbiome data generation, algorithm development, and integrative data analysis, as well as the computational infrastructure supporting R&D. Jennifer also is responsible for R&D support of clinical trials and execution of microbiome endpoints. Prior to joining Seres, Jennifer was the Director of Microbial Informatics at the Broad Institute, responsible for the software development and analytical strategies supporting the NIAID-funded Genome Center for Infectious Diseases (GCID). That followed three years as Associate Director of Bioinformatics at the Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where she was the co-Principal Investigator of the Human Microbiome Project’s Data Analysis and Coordination Center (HMP DACC). She has over 70 peer-reviewed publications and has made significant contributions to the published genome analyses of humans, mice, fruit fly and mosquito as well as diverse pathogenic fungi, parasites and bacteria.
Session Abstract – PMWC 2022 Silicon Valley