Tickets to PMWC - Est. 2009
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The Precision Medicine World Conference (PMWC) is an independent and established conference series considered to be the preeminent precision medicine conference that attracts recognized leaders, top global researchers and medical professionals, and innovators across healthcare and biotechnology sectors to showcase practical content that helps close the knowledge gap between different sectors, thereby catalyzing cross-functional fertilization and collaboration. Since 2009, recognized as a vital cornerstone for all constituents of the health care and biotechnology community, PMWC provides an exceptional forum for the exchange of information about the latest advances in technology (e.g. DNA sequencing technology), in clinical implementation (e.g. cancer and beyond), research, and in all aspects related to the regulatory and reimbursement sectors.
Co-hosts: Stanford Health Care, UCSF, Johns Hopkins, University of Michigan, Duke University and Duke Health
Silicon Valley
Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Pkwy
Santa Clara, CA 95054
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