Register to Showcase at PMWC Feb 5-7, 2025

Register to Showcase at PMWC Jan. 24-26, 2024

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Cost by OCT. 17
$32,000 $15,040

Main Track

$8,000 $3,760


$6,445 $3,029


Register to Showcase

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Ticket Rate $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

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Ask [email protected] if you would like to be included in the main program

View the Showcase details below:

PMWC 2025 Silicon Valley Showcases

Apply to Present in the Showcase today!

PMWC 2025 Silicon Valley will bring back by popular demand its Showcase sessions!

An opportunity for companies, healthcare providers, and researchers to

There is NO FEE to Showcase – representatives must register to attend the conference after selection.

The deadline to apply is based on availability and priority is given to novel technologies.

Note: Showcase talk timeslots are not final and are subject to changes.

“Without PMWC’s initiative and support of getting us all together in one room to share and connect through discussions and exchange of ideas related to the progress, roadblocks, and next steps in Precision Medicine, our individual efforts could hardly ever combine effectively and synergistically to have as big of an impact on the field. PMWC events and showcases are pivotal in advancing precision medicine for patients.”


Mickey Kertesz, PhD, CEO, Karius

2024 Showcase Groups


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Apply to Speak at PMWC Silicon Valley by OCT. 17TH

The PMWC team will reply back to a suitable company/topic with an official request for talk/speaker details.

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Discount also depends on group size. The bigger group – the bigger discount.

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